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OPERATION RALEIGH was a four year round-the-world expedition which started from England in November 1984. The aim was to involve 4000 young people of many nations (2000 from the UK) in a variety of challenging and adventurous projects of a scientific and community aid nature. It consisted of 16 phases, each of approximately three months, involving young people aged 17-24 years, who were called ‘ venturers’. In 1992, following the increased number of international volunteers, the venture was renamed ‘Raleigh International‘ with a continued organisational focus on youth and sustainable development.

OPERATION RALEIGH EXPEDITION 10F (July to October 1987) was located on the remote Indonesian Island of Seram. Over 200 venturers, operations staff and scientific leaders from around the world took part. This website celebrates the achievements of the international expedition to Seram and the extraordinary adventure shared by the venturers and staff during our 3 months there. It was created by Lorna Charlton who was one of the science team leaders on the expedition. During the expedition many scientific research projects and a community aid project took place. The community aid project was the building of a school in the highland village of Manusela.

This site celebrates the achievements of this international expedition and the extraordinary adventure shared by the venturers and staff.

Header photo by Kai Bansner