Here is a complete list of all participants in Operation Raleigh 10F Indonesia. Simply scroll down the list to look for the names of people you know.
Expeditioners on this list who have shared their stories or photos will have a page linked to their name. So far there are links to Wandy Swales, Ann Collins, Steve Oliver, Jeremy Fish and Ian Whitehead. Also see tributes Paul Claxton and Mark Wilson.
Please send your stories and photos and help to make this a wonderful record of our experiences on Seram during Operation Raleigh 10F. Start here for tips on topics and photos.
Please also contact me with any information you have that can be added to the list.
As an aside you can discover who some of Raleigh’s alumni celebrities are. They include Prince William, who spent 10 weeks in Chile in 2000, his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and survival expert Ray Mears, who filmed an episode of his ‘World of Survival’ TV series on Seram.
Photo by Kai Bansner
Participants in Operation Raleigh 10F Indonesia (country of origin, role, projects):
- A Alisjahbama
- A Phillips
- A Sanyoto
- A Siregar
- A Suraya
- Agung Wicaksono
- Agus Purnomo
- Alan Quirke
- Alex Yusutardi
- Alastair Macdonald (UK science team leader – wild pig)
- Allison Mullins
- Alma Roussy
- Amanda Scholes
- Amarnita Van Houten
- Andrew Smart
- Anggraini Pratiwi
- Ann Collins (UK venturer – plant/insect ecology, bats, Solea village hall construction)
- Ann Woolley
- Anne Regler
- Arif Liasta
- Ashley Hyett (UK venturer)
- Bambang Widjanto
- Barbara Parris
- Ben Gaskell
- Bennie Christiansen (UK science team leader – bats)
- Bhati
- Bobby Tulloch
- Boeadi (Indonesia science team leader – wild pigs)
- Brent Cartwright
- Bruce Saunders
- C Mariyah
- C Marlessy
- Canserina Juniawati
- Carla Dupre
- Carol O’Donaghue
- Caroline Bray
- Caroline Smith
- Chan Yew Wing
- Chris Howe
- Chris Kendall (UK Operation Raleigh staff)
- Christine Fritsch (UK venturer – bats)
- Christopher Rees
- Cimandiri Ilham
- Conrad Gorinsky
- D Devi
- Danny Duke (Australia Operation Raleigh staff)
- Danny Yatim
- Darrell Kitchener (Australia science team leader – small mammals: bats, rats & other)
- David Agustinus
- David Briggs
- David Hudson (Australia Operation Raleigh staff)
- David Jones (UK)
- David Stables
- Daviken Gizbert
- Dee Loader-Oliver
- Denise Goodridge (UK venturer – Manusela school construction)
- Dennis de Gruchy
- Dewa Suralaga
- Dhanang Widyawan
- Dina Sundari
- Djoko Iskandar
- Dominic Crowley
- Donatus Priyono
- EIizabeth Law (UK Operation Raleigh staff)
- Erna Witoelar
- F Saparto
- Feby Anakotta
- Felicia Dimar
- Flora Booth
- Gayatri
- Gayatri Reksodihardjo
- George Argent (UK science team leader – botany)
- Geraldine Good
- Gillian Fairweather
- Glenys Collier
- Graham Proudlove
- Greg Mullins
- Gwen Smith
- Hadi Martono
- Hanna Widjaja
- Hasiana Kramadibrata
- Helen Oxenham
- Hendro Sangkoyo
- Henry Tremaine
- Heru Mulyadi
- Heryanto
- Iain MacKenzie
- Ian Edwards
- Ian Whitehead (UK venturer – Bioresources and Wild Pig projects)
- Isra Soedibyo
- J Nainggolan
- Jacob Tenlima
- Jacqui Gavin
- Jan Manupassa
- Jane Clarke
- Jane Reed
- Janet Bell (UK science team leader – bioresources)
- Janice Leonard
- Jean Jones
- Jeffrey Held
- Jeni Shannaz
- Jeremy Fish (UK venturer – birds, insects)
- Jeremy Holloway (UK science team leader – moths)
- Jeremy Wei Hing Chung
- Joanna Bellett
- John Bowler (UK science team leader – birds)
- John Proctor
- John Taylor
- Jonardhan Rao
- Julia Cretan
- Karen Henley
- Karen Park
- Kate Ogden
- Kate Wyer
- Katherine Bedford
- Kevin Glass
- Kirsten Stewart
- Laura Schwarzwalder
- Lee Hastie
- Lesley Greig
- Lisa Adilukito
- Lisa Soewadji
- Lody Manoch
- Lorna Charlton (Australia science team leader – small mammals: bats, rats & other)
- M Alif
- M Asnar
- M Maris
- Magdalene Diamond
- Maharini Rahsilaputeri
- Margaret Dickson
- Margaret Gibson
- Marguerite Smits van Oyen (UK science team leader – bats)
- Marie Davies
- Mark Armstrong
- Mark Wilson
- Martin Brendell (UK science team leader – insects)
- Martin Weibel
- Martua Sirait
- Mathew Lipsey
- Meg Huby
- Meg Stark
- Melbourne Barrett
- Michael Day
- Milla Diana
- Milug Trisarjono
- Miranda Brown
- Mirza Dikary
- Miwa Nakakubo (Japan venturer – butterflies, small mammals)
- Moray Stark
- N Dwisasanti
- N Rijoly
- Naoto Kawamura
- Nasir Foead
- Natalius Siagian
- Nick Day
- Nick Horne (UK Operation Raleigh staff)
- Nick Payne
- Nicola Mather
- Nicola Parkinson
- Nigel Snell
- Nina Masjhur
- Norman Edwin
- Oki Nasakti
- Osman Arofat
- Othniel Mamahit
- P Patty
- Paul Bazinet
- Paul Claxton (UK Operation Raleigh photographer)
- Paul Edgar (UK science team leader – reptiles)
- Peter Hudson
- Rachman Staria (Indonesia venturer – small mammals)
- Rarte Bayu Wardoyo
- Razali Yusuf
- Rebecca Faulkner
- Risa Bhinekawati
- Robert Cole
- Robert Payton
- Roger Cox (UK science team leader – wild pigs)
- Ronald Lilley (UK science team leader – reptiles)
- Rose Keilly
- Rudyanto
- S Siahaen
- Sally Tinker
- Sam Monareh
- Sam Robson
- Sarah Dunn
- Satoko Otsuka
- Simon Shore
- Soedarsono Riswan
- Soni
- Soo Jin Tay
- Sri Tantri
- Staphanus Mulyadi
- Stephen Hill
- Stephen Rose
- Stephen Wattemena
- Steve Oliver (UK Operation Raleigh staff)
- Stuart Charlton
- Sugirtono HerIirn
- Sutrisno Soewoko
- Switje Wangsadiputra
- Sylvie Caque
- T Partomihardjo
- T Prihantini
- Takdir Nurmandi
- Tatsuro Yoneya
- Taufik Utomo
- Tay Soo Jin
- Thomas Merchant
- Tia Maria Natanegara
- Tjandra Laksanahadi
- Wahyu Kuntoadji
- Wandy Swales (Operation Raleigh Seram 10F and 11E Expedition Leader)
- Wendy Mann
- Widyawati Arnawati
- Wiwik Moeljono
- Y de Fretes
- Yan Maruanaja
- Yasuo Naito
- Yasuyuki Murahashi
- Yayan Cahyana
- Yuliati
- Yuyun Ismawati
- Yuyun Yunia